Tangle Network
Onchain Governance
On-chain Governance Parameters

Governance Parameters

The following durations control windows of action for several governance processes on Tangle Network. These values will likely change as we approach mainnet.

ParameterDuration (minutes)Duration (days)

Descriptions LaunchPeriod: Represents the duration of the launch period in real-world time. VotingPeriod: Represents the duration of the voting period in real-world time. FastTrackVotingPeriod: Represents the duration of the fast-track voting period in real-world time. EnactmentPeriod: Represents the duration of the enactment period in real-world time. CooloffPeriod: Represents the duration of the cool-off period in real-world time. MinimumDeposit: This parameter defines the minimum balance (measured in some unspecified unit) that must be deposited in some context. The value is 100 times the base UNIT. MaxProposals: This parameter limits the maximum number of proposals that can be active at any given time to 100.