Tangle Network
Pallets and Precompiles
Identity Pallet

Introduction to the Identity Pallet

The Identity Pallet is a key component in Substrate-based blockchains, fostering the concept of on-chain identity in an innovative way. It is devised to provide a standardized method for users to handle and authenticate identities on the blockchain.

Here's a glimpse at the core capabilities the Identity Pallet provides:

  1. Identity Registration: Users have the ability to register an on-chain identity, composed of multiple fields representing various facets of their identity such as legal name, email address, website, Twitter handle, and more.

  2. Identity Verification: Other network participants can function as attestors to verify individual fields of an identity. This verification process enhances the overall trustworthiness and credibility of an identity on the network.

  3. Identity Management: Users have complete control over managing their registered identities. This includes the ability to add, update, or delete fields from their identity.

  4. Sub-identities (Subs): Users can establish sub-identities under their primary identity, each with its own unique set of attributes. This proves advantageous when users want to perform distinct roles within the network (e.g., acting as a validator or a nominator).

  5. Identity Slashing: Any false claims or attempts to manipulate the system can lead to the slashing of the identity deposit.

From a technical perspective, the Identity Pallet revolves around two main constituents: the identity itself and the registrars. The identity encompasses all the information that delineates an individual or an organization. Registrars, contrastingly, are trusted entities appointed by the network's governance to authenticate the information related to an identity.

In a nutshell, the Identity Pallet offers a pathway for users to create and manage verifiable on-chain identities, imparting an element of trust and security to Substrate-based networks.